The Master Fellows Programme has an important difference from the Fellows Programme. In the Master Fellows Programme, the capacities of trainees are built so they can lead training of their second cycle peers in the Fellows Programme. That said, Fellows Programme for Tier I was similarly designed in the two parts described in Activity 1 with the same format: Teaching Practices for teachers and Instructional Leadership for assistant heads for academic affairs. The first four training days were each dedicated to one of the four module below, where teachers received specific teaching strategies in the morning lecture format sessions and practiced these strategies in the afternoon.
The instructional leadership trainees (assistant heads) observed their teachers in the morning, and received their training and practice in the afternoons, on how to create enabling environments in their schools to support teachers. The fifth day is dedicated to trainees presenting the new environment and strategies trainees will use in their schools.
The modules designed and covered during the Tier I portion of this activity were:
* Active Student Engagement
* Critical Thinking Skills
* Lesson Design and Factors Affecting Student Learning
* Using Prior Knowledge
* Using Technology in Education